2024.2/1 UP
>> 2月 Mysore & Led スケジュールUP
2024.12.26 UP
>> 2025年1月〜 🔰初回体験一時休止

■所在地■ アクセス
鹿児島市上之園町6-11 2F (共研公園〜高麗橋近く)
JR鹿児島中央・市電新屋敷/加治屋 各徒歩10分
■最大定員■ 12名程度
■参加資格■ 経験性別問わず(男性歓迎)
トゥリは南インド発祥 [ アシュタンガヨガ ] 専門スタジオです。
集中や内観のための [ マイソールスタイル ] と呼ばれるインド伝統式の自主練習クラスを SYC India 正式認定指導者のもと開講しています。

SYC India 正式認定指導者

【 定休以外の休講日 】
アシュタンガヨガの練習法には [ マイソールクラス ] [ レッドクラス ] の2種類があり
●マイソールクラス : 自主練習●
■レッドクラス : 合同練習■
Ashtanga yoga
~ What is Ashtanga Yoga? ~
" 自立のためのヨガ "
~ What is Ashtanga Yoga? ~
"Ashtanga Yoga" was systematized based on classical yoga in the South Indian city of Mysore.
"Ashtanga" is a Sanskrit word that means "eight steps of yoga" and is a teaching related to thoughts and actions such as "non-violence, honesty, and knowing enough."
We also recommend that trainees adopt "Asana (pose) and pranayama (breathing method)", which are said to lead to a stable state of mind and body, as a daily habit.
The purpose of the pose / breathing method is not the flexibility of the body, but the activation of the functions of internal organs and nerves.
In addition, it is to cultivate concentration, tenacity, and vitality in terms of spirit through regular and many years of experience.
Photo: Master Sharath Jois @Mysore India

~ Asana (practice of pose) ~
Ashtanga Yoga [Asana (pose)] is pre-ordered like radio calisthenics.
Shara (practice field / studio) ) Daily classes will be tailored to the stability ofeach student's stamina andposes, with the support of the instructor.
■ Primary Series (Beginner / Yoga Therapy)
■ Intermediate Series (Intermediate / Nerve Purification)
■ Advance A to D series (Advanced ・ Styrabaga )
This order is intentional and it is very important to practice step by step.
Ashtanga yoga asanas (poses) go beyond the complexity and perfection of shapes [ Breathing, banda (sense of Tanda, etc.), gaze] support each other, and it is very important that concentration and stability are brought to the mind and body in the movement.